Cambourne Crier
Cambourne Crier is a monthly magazine delivered free of charge to all residents of the South Cambridgeshire villages of Lower Cambourne, Great Cambourne and Upper Cambourne. It features community news, events and people. Any local group, club, organisation, school or non-profit is welcome to submit content.
Compiled by volunteers and funded solely by advertising, Cambourne Crier is completely independent and has been published since February 2000.
Cambourne Crier is usually delivered to Cambourne homes on the first full weekend of each month.
If you live outside our delivery area, or would just like Cambourne Crier emailed to you each month, we can now send you a link to the PDF edition to read online, or download and read at your leisure.
Click here to subscribe!
The March 2025 edition of Cambourne Crier is now available to download.
The deadline for submissions for the Apri 2025 edition of Cambourne Crier is 9pm on Sunday 16th March 2025.
Please email submissions to
Read our editorial guidelines here
If you would like us to send you a monthly deadline reminder email, please sign up to our deadline reminder mailing list.