19 Feb 2025
5,000 copies delivered free to Cambourne homes and businesses every month
1st Cambourne Cubs visit Cambridge Fire Station / December 2023 issue

Cambourne Crier terms, conditions and policies

Mission Statement

To share and report on the activities of the many and varied community groups and services within Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, and to keep residents informed regarding local issues and events.

1. Editorial submissions

1.1 Cambourne Crier encourages submissions from any club, group, school, organisation or individual within Cambourne or which has relevance to Cambourne residents. Submissions should be emailed to editorial@cambournecrier.org or posted to Cambourne Crier, The Hub, High Street, Great Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6GW. (Please note, if delivering by hand, The Hub's external letter box is located between the main entrance and the Town Council office entrance.)

1.2 All submissions should be regarding, or have specific relevance to, the community, residents or town of Cambourne.

1.3 Cambourne Crier does not promote or permit the promotion of any political or personal agenda, belief or religion, but groups operating within these areas are welcome to share details of their events or activities within Cambourne. Links to third party organisations for the purposes of promoting individual points of view will not be printed.

1.4 Cambourne Crier does not promote any commercial business, except through paid advertising. Events organised by commercial business for the benefit of Cambourne and its residents will be considered for publication.

1.5 The editorial team reserves the right to edit all submissions.

1.6 Any recommended word count provided is a guideline and no guarantee that an article will not be edited.

1.7 The editorial team reserves the right to choose which articles are included and submitting an article is no guarantee that it will be printed.

1.8 While all submissions are considered, no organisation, group, school, club or individual has the automatic right to have their submission published in Cambourne Crier. The editorial team's decision is final.

1.9 Cambourne Crier will run designed adverts for local non-profit events or organisations free of charge. Adverts must be 95mm wide x 132mm high. These adverts will only run if there is space available.

2. Photography

2.1 Photographs should be high resolution and print quality.

2.2 Photographs should be sent as individual files (ideally jpgs) and not combined or merged together as montages.

2.3 By submitting photography you are confirming that you have the permission of the photographer and anyone in the photograph for the image to be used in Cambourne Crier, on www.cambournecrier.org and on our social media platforms.

2.4 If the photographer or organisation owning the photograph requires it to be credited, please make this clear in your submission.

3. Advertising

3.1 Cambourne Crier offers prime space run of pages display advertising and classified advertising. All paid advertising within the magazine is managed by Pendrill Publications. Please contact janetpendrill@gmail.com for more details.

3.2 Cambourne Crier delivery team offers a leaflet distribution service. The current distribution covers 4,200 houses in Upper, Lower and Great Cambourne. The cost for delivery is £165. For details of deadlines and more information, please contact delivery@cambournecrier.org

4. Cambourne Crier constitution and volunteer team

4.1 Cambourne Crier is entirely independent and funded solely by advertising.

4.2 Any profits are distributed to the community through the Cambourne Crier Community Fund. More information and an application form can be found at www.cambournecrier.org/community

4.3 Cambourne Crier is compiled and overseen entirely by unpaid volunteers. We kindly request that all communication with the team is polite, courteous and respectful.

4.4 Aggressive, abusive, argumentative or intentionally provocative behaviour towards the team or in communication with the team will not be tolerated and may be reported to the governing body of the organisation being represented, or other appropriate authorities. This includes behaviour intended to challenge or circumvent these terms.

4.5 Cambourne Crier is delivered each month by young people living in Cambourne. They are paid for their services.

4.6 Cambourne Crier is not affiliated in any way with Cambourne Town Council or South Cambridgeshire District Council.

5. Privacy

5.1 Cambourne Crier maintains a mailing list of people who have requested monthly submissions deadline reminders. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time using the link on the email, or by emailing editorial@cambournecrier.org and requesting to be removed. Cambourne Crier does not use this mailing list for any purpose other than the reminder emails.

5.2 Our website www.cambournecrier.org does not collect or store any personal data.

6. Queries and complaints

6.1 If you have a query or complaint about Cambourne Crier, please email editorial@cambournecrier.org or write to us at Cambourne Crier, The Hub, High Street, Great Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6GW. (Please note, if delivering by hand, The Hub's external letter box is located between the main entrance and the Town Council office entrance.) Please remember that the team are all volunteers and a response may take a few days.