Community Fund
Cambourne Crier has a fund available to help local clubs and groups with the purchase of equipment.
If you would like to apply for funding, please download the application form and email it to
Cambourne Crier has recently provided funding to The Vine School community gardening project, Cambourne Rainbows and Guides and Cambourne Bowls Club. We have previously supported Cambourne Football Club, The Big Squiggle (formerly The Big Draw), the Meet the Neighbours Easter Egg Hunt and Performing Arts. We have also paid for materials to help with the repainting of the former Cambourne Soul building and helped provide equipment to Cambourne-based charity, CamCare UK.

Cambourne Rainbows
The latest good cause to receive a Cambourne Crier grant was 2nd Cambourne Rainbows, which is a pre-Guides and Brownies organisation for 4- to 7-year-old girls.
The cheque was awarded to the group by one of Cambourne Crier's editors, Paul Jobling and was gratefully received by Rainbow leader Angie Sandhu. The money is to be used to buy sports equipment for the children to further their enjoyment of their involvement in the Rainbows.
Angie said, "Thank you Cambourne Crier, this is fantastic. All the Rainbows, Brownies and Guides in Cambourne will benefit from trying a range of sporting activities that they wouldn't have been able to try if it weren't for this funding. We are looking forward to improving our fitness in new and fun ways."
Angie explained that the children learn about the world around them through membership of the Rainbows, including important matters such as caring for animals, recycling and learning about their community. This being done with reference to their four pillars, which are Look – Learn – Laugh – Love.

Cambourne Bowls Club
"Cambourne Bowls Club wish to thank the Cambourne Crier Community Fund for its generous donation to the club for the purchase of two additional rink scorers.
"This enables ordinary club members to record their scores when there is also a league match taking place."
CamCare UK
Shrobona Bhattacharya runs many community events for everyone from local children to elderly residents through the charitable incorporated CamCare UK. All events are free and run without any proper funding.
Shrobona contacted Cambourne Crier and made an application for funds for equipment through the Cambourne Crier Community Fund which makes grants and donations to local clubs, societies or causes. The Fund was able to help CamCare purchase a speaker system with mic and a poster-holding panel.
"The speaker system is a great asset," said Shrobona, "I used it in Festival of Colours, Cambourne Mela, Cambourne Science Festival, Cambourne Art day and the recent Festival of light for presentations, announcements and playing music.
"When I attended the last volunteer’s meet at The Hub, I had to leave all the
posters on the table which were not visible to the people and I found difficulties interacting with visitors with posters in hand. The poster holding panel will help me to exhibit my community involvement works more effectively and will be used for all my future events in Cambourne.
"Cambourne Crier is doing an excellent job through the community fund, helping people like me. I am happy to share these two items if any other community group wants to use them for their events in Cambourne village."