Editorial submissions
Cambourne Crier encourages submissions from all local groups, clubs, organisations and individuals.
Please email submissions to editorial@cambournecrier.org with the subject line:
Cambourne Crier {month} - {your club / group name}
eg: Cambourne Crier March - Parish Council report
If you do not have access to email, submissions can be sent by post to:
Cambourne Crier, The Hub, High Street, Great Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6GW
Please note, if delivering by hand, The Hub's external letter box is located between the main entrance and the Town Council office entrance.
Editorial guidelines:
- Submissions can be brief details of a group (including contact details), a forthcoming event, or a news report / article.
- Reports / articles should be no more than 250 words and sent in an editable format, such as MS Word or plain text.
- Please send photographs to accompany your article if possible. These should be of print quality (at least 1MB in size) and sent as image files, not embedded within the text.
- By sending photographs you confirm you have the permission of the photographer and anyone in the photograph for their picture to be printed in the Cambourne Crier.
- Please note that while we try to include all the submissions we receive, we cannot guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit all submissions.
Non-profit advertising:
- We can run adverts for local non-profit events or organisations free of charge.
- If you wish to submit a designed advert, it must be 95mm wide x 132mm high.
- These adverts will only run if there is space available.
- Please email your submission to editorial@cambournecrier.org
Please note that articles and non-profit advertising must not be commercial in nature.
For more details on editorial submissions, please see our terms, conditions and policies
Forthcoming deadlines:
- April 2025 issue: 9pm, Sunday 16 March 2025
- May 2025 issue: 9pm, Sunday 20 April 2025
- June 2025 issue: 9pm, Sunday 18 May 2025
Cambourne Crier is usually delivered to Cambourne homes on the first full weekend of each month.
If you would like us to send you a monthly deadline reminder email, please sign up to our deadline reminder mailing list.
Please do not send submissions to individual editors' email addresses, if that person is away your submission may be missed. All submissions and queries should be sent to editorial@cambournecrier.org